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Join the growing team of HG Blake

HG Blake employs over 70 people. As an Norfolk employer we strive to maintain a sustainable future for our employees and producers, and for the good of our local economy.

Please fill out the application form below, each job description and return to us, alternatively contact us on 01603 262525 to request an application form or email

Due to the high volume of applications received for each role, only those shortlisted for interview will be contacted.

Vacancies available at HG Blake




HG Blake are proud to display all of our assurances and certifications. From Farm to Table, we can verify where our animals come from with full traceability to farm of origin.

Acoura Assurance
Red Tractor - Assured Food Standards
Soil Association Assured
AHDB Beef & Lamb Assurance
RSPCA Assured
MLC Services Assurance